Uplifting Updates from Tanzania

From our original cohort of 35 girls, we are currently supporting 26. Nine have recently completed their post-secondary education. Six have jobs – working as teachers with young learners! Sada and Sesilia are looking for teaching jobs, and Safi chose to focus on marriage and family for now. Last year was difficult for all of these young women due to Covid-19 and school closures, but thankfully, most of them were able to return to their gainful employment.

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Returning to School Amid a Pandemic

We are delighted to hear that there is no pressure from families or communities for girls to stop attending school and marry or find work. The families are completely on board as mentors and support their daughters and sisters in their educational endeavors.

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Hongera Sana (Congratulations!) to our Students!

Spring is a time of new birth, new beginnings, fresh starts and that's exactly what many of our students are looking forward to right now. As you know, all of our Form 4 students sat for their national examinations in October. In February we got the results of their exams and found out which of them qualified to go on to high school and which would have the chance to pursue further education through the Vocation and Education Training Authority (VETA). Before the big reveal, let's take a moment to remember our journey thus far.

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